I'm a sucker for something a little different, which led me to making a Meyerhoffer 9'2" HWS. An interesting board & equally, interesting to building.
The idea behind these is the board performs more like a shortboard when you want to do carving turns and has the added bonus of being able to be ridden like a longboard when riding mid way or up near the nose.
The board build process wasn't actually all that different to making any other fish bone framed hollow wooden surfboard.
I thought it would be a good match to base this on a longboard but I was wrong. It actually comes out wider especially in the tail. I should have taken some measurements prior to cutting out the ribs so I can eye ball and draw out the ribs that fall short
Chime strips glued on. Things are starting to look funky.
I glassed the inside of this board which will create superior strength.
Deck planking prepped & almost ready.
Woohoo - getting there slowly.
Slight concave in the nose. Should give it a good bit of hold down the line!
Vent plug.
Glassed on plywood fins.
And the final result... Polished and ready to be surfed.
Surf Report:
I've surfed this board a handful of times and it's quick down the line. It does have a tendency to not track so well and really need to muscle it a little to make it turn. I can't really figure out why as the fin setup seems to be right. It is about 1-2kg heavier then I would have liked. Other then that it is a fun board to ride, easy to catch waves and very easy to paddle thanks to the cutaways.