I've had this one on the back burner for some time. I cut the blank out of EPS and that's pretty much as far as I got, until recently... This build started from copying an old Rheopaipo bodyboard which was coming apart like most bodyboards after some use.
Rails on this board is 50/50. I've kept everything pretty much the same for simplicity and not really knowing how it could be improved. There are some deep dished concave twin channels in the rear.
Was a super quick build. I'd estimate around 25-30hrs.
Rails on this board is 50/50. I've kept everything pretty much the same for simplicity and not really knowing how it could be improved. There are some deep dished concave twin channels in the rear.
Was a super quick build. I'd estimate around 25-30hrs.
It wasn't all that easy persuading the Wester Red Cedar strips to follow the curve up to the nose. I gave them a soak which made it comply a little easier.
This should be one fast bodyboard. I think I'll have to use some Versa Surfboard Traction for grip. I've used it on previous boards and it works like a charm - fuss free!
Hand cut abalone with wood burning outline.
For Abhinav a friend who I owe some thanks and doubles as a belated b'day present. Will be borrowing this off him at some point to test it out.